FiveSurge: Issue #0

Learn how to go viral

First of all, I would like to thank every single one of you legends for opening this newsletter!

Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t sent out a new issue for awhile - and that’s because things are changing.

While I was recapping tech stories before, I noticed something.

Everyone already knew what happened in tech because everyone was already reading about it on X (formerly Twitter). The stories were redundant and I didn’t feel it offered any real value to the people reading the newsletter.

Instead of continuing to push forward with something that wasn’t really beneficial to the reader - I got back into the lab.

Building Something Better

As some of you may know, I have spent the last few years creating written content for brands.

Multiple people have told me that I should be teaching people how to do this but I never really knew where to start.

I am one of the most disorganized people I know, and my content is never really planned. I know what works, why it works, but I never actually sat down and analyzed it.

This newsletter is going change that.

What’s in it for you?

With every single issue, you are going to learn something new about creating content that goes viral - or at the very least, gets clicks and views.

I will be taking a look at content that has blown up on various platforms, and breaking down WHY it went viral. Then I’ll offer suggestions on how you or your brand could replicate it.

The goal of FiveSurge is to make it easier for you (or your team) to create content that gets eyes on your content.

New issues will be posted every weekend with issue #1 showing up next Saturday!